My Story
Noah Katz comes from a small affluent town, a suburb of New York City called Westport, CT.
His family has been in Westport for six generations and seem to know everyone. Noah is highly respected among his peers and has 18,000+ followers on LinkedIn.
Noah has over 20 Years of out of the box financial thinking. He started his career as a Financial Advisor at American Express, then went on to be a Mortgage Broker with First Connecticut Financial where he enjoyed helping people achieve the American Dream of being a homeowner.
Noah then started his own consulting company Preserved Wealth LLC, where he helps the Elite High Net Worth Individuals preserve their wealth with strategies that save our client’s millions on estate taxes with potentially no out of pocket cost.
Noah helps teach children how money works, the strategies that you wish you were taught in school.
Noah became Managing Director at Redwood Tax Specialists, here our strategies are unlike those offered elsewhere in the financial industry for a few key reasons.
At Redwood our professional team includes experts from across the board to offer a highly advanced approach to cutting taxes for high and ultra-high net-worth business owners.
When your tax team includes only a CPA or a single financial planner, you miss out on many potential deductions. No matter how remarkable one tax prep professional is, they cannot compare to a team of tax planning experts.
Each person on our team brings a unique perspective from a different part of the financial or legal industries, and we combine our strengths to find every possible deduction for our clients.
Our professional team includes, among others:
• Qualified Pension Administrator (QPA)
• Chartered Retirement Plans Specialist (CRPS)
• Employee Retirement Plan Agent (ERPA)
• Certified Financial Planners (CFP)
• Certified Public Accountants (CPA)
• Chartered Financial Consultants (ChFC)
• Chartered Life Underwriters (CLU)
• Tax & ERISA Attorneys
• Actuaries
• Third-Party Administrators (TPA)
Our mission is to substantially and legally reduce our client’s taxes. We always discover savings that others have missed.
When our team designs a tax plan, they will provide several options so you can choose the plan with which you’re most comfortable.
No matter how the tax or regulatory environment changes, we will continue to work with the most elite and credentialed experts in the United States.
Because we only prepare tax returns, accounting and bookkeeping upon request, there is no conflict of interest in working with your CPA or accountants.